The Household of God (HG, 2 Volumes)
The Fly (FL)
The Moon (MO)
Saturn (SA)
The Natural Sun (NS, Announcements about our sun and its natural conditions)
The Childhood of Jesus (CJ, Biographical Gospel of the Lord)
Paul's Letter to Laodicea (LAO)
Correspondence with Jesus (COR, Correspondence between Abgarus and Jesus)
The Earth (EA, Parable & chapter 1-12)
Beyond the Threshold (BTT, Deathbed scenes)
Bishop Martin (BM, Sunsets into Sunrises)
From Hell to Heaven (RB, Robert Blum vol 1 condensed)
The Healing Power of Sunlight (HPS)
Three Days in the Temple (TDT)
The Great Gospel of John (GGJ, 10 Volumes)